About The Artist

My purpose is to use my creative energy as
a catalyst for peace and healing in All That Is.
My relationship to the camera is less about the rules of “what makes a good image” and more about the experience of making the images themselves. The Art of Seeing reaches beyond the physical limitations of eye sight to my inner vision, that place within me that realizes the inter-connectedness of all things.
The images in this show are celebrations of people, places and things that have left an impression on me. They are “Intimate landscapes” showing the subtle patterns, textures and energy … the “magic” . . . of nature, they also reflect who I am both externally and internally.
I started making images in 1991 as a press photographer. Since then I have moved on my path from a historic and factual perspective of a community to an interpretive perspective of nature.
My camera’s of choice have been Hasselblad, Contax, Nikon, Sony and iPhone.
I hope you enjoy the images I’ve been blessed to see.
Adrienne Adam